Bring documents to life with IMPRIMI. – your online document printing service...

We can print, bind & deliver your documents in as little as 1 day. Choose from 23 professional products including loose sheets, wire binding, booklets, books & more. Happy printing!

Choose a product to print

Our Partners*

Contact Information

Contact us.


Service Clients. (+213) 0540985097

Administration. (+213) 0783121982

Email :

Email :

تراكستو سرفس


As an online printing service, we will print, bind and deliver your documents to an address of your choice.

How to place an order:

  1. Upload your file(s) and choose a product (or vice versa) 
  2. Configure and preview your document
  3. Complete checkout and pay online
  4. Your document(s) will be delivered

Using the Help Center:

Get to grips with the basics by browsing our useful articles or using the search bar at the top of this page.

Still have questions? 

Send us a message on Live Chat.

Due to our automated processing system, artwork will not be checked or proofread by IMPRIMI. prior to printing.

Your document will be printed as it is displayed in the Document Preview Tool.

Please take care and check for typos, spelling mistakes, margin issues and pixelation etc. prior to ordering.

Our website works in all major browsers, however for an optimal experience we recommend using Google Chrome.

Click here to download Google Chrome (free download)

You will receive an email every time your order status is changed, and you will be directly aware of the status of your order.

You can also contact us via live chat or call us at the following number: 0540985097

What does my order status mean?

Placed - 
the order has been placed and can be amended/cancelled
In progress - the order has entered production and can no longer be amended/cancelled
Dispatched - the order has dispatched
Trackable - the order is now with the courier and is trackable
Ready to collect - the order is ready to collect from our collection point
Cancelled - the order has been cancelled

BaridiMob is a mobile application created by Algérie Poste that will allow you to make an account-to-account payment without having to go to the post office.

Condition d'accès à BaridiMob:

  1. Un compte CCP : Si vous n’avez toujours pas de compte CCP, vous pouvez effectuer une demande en cliquant ici.
  2. La carte postale Edahabia : Si vous n’avez toujours pas demandé une carte Edahabia,cliquez sur le lien suivant pour demander votre carte Edahabia.
  3. Un smartphone

Comment utiliser Baridimob?

Voici un tutoriel explicatif réalisé par algérie poste sur les modalités d'inscription et d'utilisation:

Comment acheter Siamois QCM avec BaridiMob:

  1. Créer un compte sur Siamois QCM
  2. Choisir une offre qui vous convient de la page "Nos offres"
  3. Choisir "CCP" comme mode de paiement
  4. Ouvrir l'application BaridiMob et envoyer la somme requise vers notre RIB (mentionné en bas)
  5. Prendre une capture de la confirmation que vous avez reçu (Example en bas)
  6. Joindre la capture dans le formulaire CCP et mentionner l'heure d'envoi dans le champ détails.
  7. Après confirmation votre demande sera vérifiée en moins de 24H

Voici notre RIP: 00799999001489737264
Voici un example d'une capture: